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The Secret to Recurring Supply: Intimacy with God

THE SECRET TO RECURRING SUPPLY: #INTIMACYWITHGOD The Lord knows your needs, whether you have much or little. The problem is our motives and our post-reception conduct. This is the defining...

With God All Things are Permanent!

WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE PERMANENT! Lamentations 3:37 (NLT) - “Who can command things to happen without the Lord’s permission?” If God has done it, no man can undo it....

The Light of his Countenance

THE LIGHT OF HIS COUNTENANCE Many times in our lives we seek favour and help from the wrong places. Your help never emanates from a man; it starts with God....

The Borrowers’ Quandary

THE BORROWER'S QUANDARY The Bible is always right. Proverbs 22:7 (MSG) - “The poor are always ruled over by the rich, so don’t borrow and put yourself under their power.”...