Student Id:
Date of Birth:
*Marital Status: SingleMarriedDivorcedSeparatedWidowedCo-Habiting
*Course Title:
*Course Code:
*Co-Ordinator Name:
Attendance: Full TimePart Time
Days per Week:
Are you repeating your course or Module: YesNo
a) Are you a UK National?
If yes go to f), if no continue to b)
b) Are you an EU National?
If yes go to f), if no continue to c)
c) Have you been granted refugee status?
If yes go to f), if no continue to d)
d) Have you been given leave to remain status?
If yes go to f), if no continue to e)
e) If you have answered no to all the above questions please state your residency status below
f) In the last three years prior to start of your course, did you live outside of the UK? YesNo
If you answered yes to question f) please give details:
Bank Name:
Account Holder Name:
Short Code:
Account Number:
All Higher Education students must apply to Student Finance NI
All Further Education Full Time students 19+ must apply for a Further Education Award
All Further Education Full Time students under 19 must apply to EMA and Travel Pass
Part Time Further Education students on an eligible course must apply for a PT FE Award
Funding Source
Student Loans & Grants (HE)
Further Education Award (FE)
Travel Pass (FE)
Employer (funding course)
If you have not received assistance from any of the above categories of funding, please tell us why?
Course Tuition FeesAdditional Living costsTravel CostsBooks & EquipmentChildcare Costs
Exam and other related fee costs are not covered
Full Time Students Only
If you live more than 3 miles away from campus (Receipts required)
Receipts required (essential items)
Assistance towards costs
Are you aged 25 or over before 3 rd September 2019?
Birth Certificate
Do you have care of a child?
Childs Birth Cert
Are your applying to the Hardship for a Part-time Course?
University Enrolment Receipt
Are you married or in a civil partnership?
Marriage Certificate
Are both your parents deceased?
Death Certificates
Are you estranged from your parents?
Please see Terms and Conditions
Have you supported yourself financially for 3 years or more outside of Full-time Education?
Proof of 3 full years’ work or Benefit claims
Have you been in care or in placed accommodation after being in care?
Evidence from relevant Health Trust or social worker
Student or Parent/Guardian 1:
Student Partner or Parent/Guardian 2:
Employment status:
Income Source
Person 1
Person 2
Evidence required
Last 3 payslips or latest P60
Self Employed
Latest verified Accounts
Unearned Income
Verified Accounts
Child & Working Tax Credits
HMRC Award Notification
Child Benefit
Award Letter or Bank Statement
Income Support / ESA
DHSS Letter or Bank Statement
Universal Credits
Private/State/Widow Pension
Carers Allowance
Other Income not listed
Verified data from official source
Course Type
Year(from - to)
A Level (AS)
A Level (A2)
Level 2 BTEC NVQ City & Guilds
Level 3 BTEC NVQ City & Guilds
Level 4 BTEC NVQ City & Guilds
Foundation Degree
Others (Please Give Details)
We need you to consent to communicate with any appropriate private and governmental agencies in order to obtain and release information (both verbally and in written format) to enable a complete and fair assessment of your application. All information shared will be handled in a confidential manner.
I understand that I may revoke my consent at any time and this revocation must be delivered in written format to The Liberation Foundation admin team. This consent form will be valid from the date it is signed until I have completed or withdrawn from my course.
Student Signature:
Date Signed
You can use this section to explain any/all of the following: reason for non-academic progression of course level, financial difficulties or income and expenditure. Please provide documentary evidence where possible to support your statement.
I certify that all particulars given by me on this form are correct and that all relevant information has been included. I understand the information provided will be handled in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. I understand that it is my responsibility to supply all the relevant documents to support my application, as well as any additional information that the panel requires in a timely manner. I understand that the onus is on me to prove my need for financial assistance. If I receive Hardship funds from The Liberation Foundation I undertake to:
Advise the Liberation Foundation immediately if I withdraw or cease to attend the course and I will pay back the amount awarded to me.
Refund any over payment, which may have occurred for whatever reason by the Liberation Foundation. I also understand that if my attendance level drops below 80% my award will be withdrawn.
By ticking this box, you are confirming that you have read the Hardship Fund terms and conditions document and agree with the terms stated.
I (Tutor Name) certify that the applicant is registered as a:
Signature of Tutor/Co-ordinator:
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